Wall Communications Inc., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada - Economic Consulting Firm: Broadcasting

Wall Communications Inc.


In broadcasting, Wall Communications' areas of expertise include (i) research and policy analysis, (ii) regulatory matters, (iii) license applications and (iv) business case analysis.

i) Research and Policy Analysis

Wall Communications conducts research and policy analysis studies for both public sector and private sector clients. The firm has conducted studies for the Department of Canadian Heritage on the implementation of Digital Television Broadcasting as well as the demand for Canadian programming. In addition, Wall Communications has undertaken research on content spending requirements and the role of non-Canadian broadcasting services in Canadian broadcasting.

ii)  Regulatory Matters

Wall Communications prepares regulatory submissions and provides expert testimony for clients participating in proceedings before the CRTC dealing with the regulation of the Canadian broadcasting industry. The firm has participated in several key broadcasting regulatory proceedings including providing expert testimony on the subject of the future of Canadian television. The firm has also provided expert testimony on the subject of how new media is impacting conventional broadcasting.

iii)  License Applications

Wall Communications assists clients in the preparation of television and radio station licence applications. The firm provides assistance with the economic and regulatory aspects of the applications and, as required, expert testimony in public hearings before the Commission associated with the applications. For example, Wall Communications assisted Stornoway Communications in successfully obtaining a Category 1 and three Category 2 digital specialty service licences. The firm assisted in the preparation of Stornoway's licence applications and provided expert testimony during the Commission's public hearings on applications for new digital pay and specialty programming undertakings. In addition, Wall Communications has assisted Global Television in their applications for conventional television station licences in Victoria, Calgary, Edmonton and Quebec City.

iv)  Business Case Analyses

Wall Communications assists clients in assessing market opportunities in the broadcasting area. The firm has assisted several programming undertakings in assessing the market demand and opportunity for new digital specialty broadcasting services. The firm has also examined conventional and internet-related broadcasting market opportunities for a variety of clients in both the television and radio areas.



Wall Communications Inc.
238 Buena Vista Road, Ottawa ON K1M 0V7
Tel: (613) 747-0555
email:  Wallcom

copyright © 1998 -

Recent highlights:

- Expert advice on behalf of several Canadian programming undertakings regarding cable television carriage rules (2011)

- Assistance in preparing a 5 year business and strategic plan for a programming undertaking (2009)

- Assessing the demand for Canadian programming in the broadcasting system